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- /*
- * UnrealIRCd Changes File - (C) Carsten Munk 1999-2000 &
- * The UnrealIRCd Team
- * $Id: Changes,v 1.333 2000/05/07 08:17:09 stskeeps Exp $
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- */
- *** BUGS ***
- * /map has a few little display problems (fixable? sts: no not the hide ulines, already fixed)
- * You can make the server flood off opers if you clone with > MAXCLIENTS
- fix: make a unknown connection clone defense:P
- * Autoconnects dont work
- * [10:26] -irc2.tspre.org- *** Global -- from Irc.Pahang.Dhs.Org: AIEEE!!!
- Server Terminating: Segmention fault (buf: PONG :38D117F9)
- Unreal3.0-beta3 unrealircd.conf :P
- * /vhost, dccdeny recode
- * Dynconf recode
- * -ex-2.routing.md.us.exchat.org- *** Notice -- Aieeee!!! Server terminating: Segmention fault (buf:
- :Methos PRIVMSG #exchat :for the * flag)
- *** FIXED -- we think ***
- - Potential problem with die/restart from 3.0(fix) ... peopl can not restart/kill servers even
- if they have the neseccery O:Lines -- it seems towork in 3.1
- *** Unreal3.1 *** (state: alpha)
- - Moved REMOVE_ADVERTISE a little
- - Fixed bug where you could /mode #test +L #test (link a channel to
- itself)
- - Fixed a bug where a +L channel didn't have to be valid ex /mode #test
- +L blah would work, dangerous if 0 is used
- - Fixed /map showing U:lines even if HIDE_ULINES was set oops :)
- - Fixed a bug where opers couldn't walk through +l
- - Fixed a bug where /mode #test +f *N:N was recognized the same as +f N:N
- (if *2:3 was set then /mode #chan +f 2:3 it wouldn't set, thought it was the same)
- - Removed src/cio_init.c src/cio_main.c src/win32.c src/win32.rc as we don't
- use that anymore
- - Added ircsprintf() (ircsprintf.c and ircsprintf.h)
- - Converted to use ircsprintf
- - Now using sprintf_irc from ircu, as %li would screw up the hybrid variant
- - Some fdlist updates from bahamut
- - Header change
- - Some more Header change
- - Added agent.c for IRCd Agents (remote control etc)
- - Fixed up some make misalignments
- - Fixed +I /names
- - Removed TESTNET defines
- - Added poll() engine from bahamut (hard!)
- - Made /vhost send failed login's to +e
- - Made /stats V/R/F use raw rather than NOTICE
- - Fixed some poll() engine problems
- - Some more problems with poll()
- - Removed the \2's from the is a Coder msg, whywere they there, no one
- knows (codemastr) Because i was the only one using it =P (Stskeeps)
- - Fixed /names problem..
- - Made /mode <nick> use get_mode_str() to list the modes
- - Made /lusers info be pre-calculated :) Saves hell of a lot CPU time
- - Made /stats z/Z oper only
- - Fixed SJOIN bug only totally fixed when all servers upgraded
- - Moving old 3.0 stuff to Changes.old
- - Re-added README.ALPHA
- - Fixed some more SJOIN bugs
- - Fixed NICKv2 bugs with non NICKv2
- - Fixed up /info, there will be a better layout for this
- - Fixed up some poll() engine bugs (i hope)
- - Start of telnet proxy scan code
- - Took telnet proxy scan code out again =/ It really fux0red up
- - Added networks/treklink.network
- - Added options to /HTM, ON/OFF TO (what load do we auto start at) NOISY/QUIET (toggle whether HTM should
- announce when it starts)
- - Fixed a little bug where /part didn't show the correct channel case
- - Made unresolved host connections go faster, idea from PTLink IRCd v3.5.4 great job :)
- - Removed support for & and + channels (i hope) and made m_message more
- handy and support for /notice +#channel, %#channel etc etc
- - Topic fix?
- - Incorperated the bahamut m_list and send_list, it's faster and smaller :P
- - When /HTM is active /list is disabled to non-opers
- - OperMOTD is now loaded into memory (faster, saves memory, and CPU)
- - Added /rehash -omotd to rehash the OperMOTD
- - Added unrealircd.conf option for SETUID and SETGID if ircd started as root. And you can turn that off/on
- by defining/undefining BIG_SECURITY_HOLE in config.h
- - Fixed small bug in ircd.c and dynconf.c (not using #ifndef BIG_SECURITY_HOLE)
- - Removed & and + channels for sure..
- - All MOTDs, RULES are read into memory (including T:lines)
- - Added /rehash -bmotd (BotMOTD) /rehash -motd/-rules (MOTDs/RULES)
- - Fixed memory leak in dynconf.c, allocated 2048 on each /rehash -dynconf
- - Fixed _serious_ memory leak in cloak.c, abused 128 bytes every time
- someone went +x
- - Alphabeticalized making..
- - flush_connections more better
- - Fixed calls to check_registered*, more CPU spare:)
- - Fixed a bug in /tsctl svstime
- - Fixed a bug in the cached MOTDs
- - Added support for remote /htm
- - Even more tokensation
- - Removed IRCII_KLUDGE
- - Fixed /lusers wrong reply
- - Removed V28PlusOnly define
- - Fixed a bug in channel_modes()
- - More and more and more tokenzation >:)
- - Fixed a bug in m_user
- - Removed have_ops() and is_deopped(), they weren't used
- - Reorganized can_send() to make it faster
- - More tokenzation >:)
- - Fixed ircsprintf() %lu error when %lu == 0
- - Added devel/ directory, put ideas/specifications in here
- - Added devel/new.plines to describe new upcoming P:lines
- - Added NO_IDENT_CHECKING in config.h
- - Fixed bugs in get_version() and also made it a bit faster
- - Fixed RPL_MYINFO problem with UnrealIRCd/32 version and ircII
- misunderstanding it, prob other clients too
- - Updated msg.h hashtable to get most used commands more close
- - Removed some unused defines in msg.h
- - Removed dusers (not in use)
- - m_user stuff
- - Made use of : 's in between ircd.conf field working, using this format:
- A:"Test test:Moo":Moo:moo
- - Fixed some /lusers miscalculations
- - Added INET6 patch, now for making it work :P
- - More INET6 patching (not working atm)
- - INET6 compiles now, works? :P
- - Fixed some WebTV stuff
- - Made the m_message routine not do a user hash lookup if it starts with #
- - Removed some fields in structures like aClient etc that was unused
- - Removed Client->iown and the OWNLOGON code
- - Removed Channel->blist
- - Removed heaps of unused variables in functions
- - Fixed THE G:line bug, missing parameter
- - Hopefully fixed some calculation bugs
- - +F bugfix
- - In TKL a gline shows reason in quit message now
- - Fixed the SVSMOTD OPERMOTD and BOTMOTD bug, suggest parantheses problem
- - In K:Line it shows reason in quit message now, not sure about AKILL
- - Experimental NOTE in register_user added
- - Implemented hybrid scache.c, created by orabidoo and Dianora
- - Fixed /connect scache problem, and actually fixed the OPERMOTD bug
- - The hopefully last calculation bug..
- - Made bans and exceptions actually sync *ducks*, done in old fashion MODE
- manner, better than making BS (bansync) or incorporating it in SJOIN
- - Made /opermotd oper-only, bug reported by Bagge@ROXnet
- - Made TOPICs be dynamically allocated - saves heaps memory
- - Added hybrids/+cs'es /whowas system. Improved so it doesn't use static
- character arrays, and uses dynamically allocated strings instead
- - Added UMODE2 PROTOCTL and command, when a usermode change it uses :nick
- UMODE2 +-umodes. token = '|'
- - Made CONNECTFAST default, will ensure faster connecting
- - Updated /helpop to list more commands and new modes
- - the 1-message-per-2-sec not applied to opers
- - Topic fix with dynamic allocation
- - 1-message-per-2-sec now 1-message-per-1.5-sec
- - Removed TS fix notice
- - Removed User %s tries to become server notice
- - Made MAXCHANNELSPERUSER an unrealircd.conf option
- - Changed unrealircd.conf version to 1.2
- - Credit changes..
- - Uses dgets() from hybrid now, should be a minor CPU fix
- - Moved WebTV support, and +I disabling to an unrealircd.conf option
- - Updated doc/conf.doc, removed references to DALnet, and fixed typos
- - Moved doc/Elite.Changes to doc/History/Elite.Changes, away away away with
- that one
- - Tokenized SQLINE
- - Recoded dynconf, validates data too now
- - Fixed a /list bug that crashed the server
- - Fixed a minor bug in the new dynconf
- - Fixed a bug in vhost.conf and dccdeny.conf where if the line was not valid it would crash, now it just
- ignores that line
- - Added comment support to vhost.conf, dccdeny.conf, and chrestrict.conf (makes loading faster)
- - Fixed one of those "code, what the fuck were you smoking" bugs in m_svsmode etc
- (what = MODE_DEL - eh?)
- - Added AUTO_JOIN_CHANS to unrealircd.conf to force a user to join 1 or
- more channels on connect, read networks/unrealircd.conf for more info
- - Added networks/axenet.network
- - Possible change in the -1 operator bug
- - /info changes
- - Unreal3.1-beta1 release
- - Added a bunch of networks
- - Updated doc/conf.doc
- - Updated networks/networks.ndx cause someone *cough* sts *cough* forgot
- - Updated m_svso to -H the user
- - Added Solaris2.5 support and cleaned up Solaris2.x support
- - A little /list fix
- - Changed the unrealircd.conf version to 1.3
- - Fixed a bug in the AUTO_JOIN_CHANS
- - Added OPER_AUTO_JOIN_CHANS to unrealircd.conf, same as AUTO_JOIN_CHANS
- but is called on /oper
- - Readded /ns, /cs, etc but this time they point to /nickserv, /chanserv,
- etc
- - Removed IRCd Agents and made it so all opers can join unlimited channels
- - Updated src/chkconf.c to recognize new lines
- - Added "/mode #chan qa" support to send a list of +q users / +a users in a chan
- - Fixed "/mode #chan qa" ... see channel.c m_join for the problem ... sts you owe me a tenner =P ..
- - Removed Reg1, Reg2 etc etc and register. Modern compilers optimize better
- that way
- - Sidenote: /msg nick@ bug can easily be caused in m_message
- - Unreal3.1-beta1(build2)
- - Disabled ID_* stuff but is still there, saves memory
- - Made user->virthost a dynamic string now
- - Fixed a virthost bug again, and starting to wreck in meow's badword patch,
- gonna be a swearword filter and new version of REMOVE_ADVERTISING
- - Added meow's badword patch
- - Moved the badword patch chmode to +G (G Rated Channel) cause thats what some other ircd's use so lets try
- and keep cross compatibility :P
- - Added networks/interturk.network
- - Fixed a bug in /names thanks to lucas for reporting it and fixing it :)
- - Changed the badword umode to +G also
- - Removed some unused variables from dynconf.h
- - Cleaned up the dynconf and network file code to use less memory
- - Fixed the kill bug in NICKv2, caused by codemastr(TM) code
- (was calling m_join before sending NICK info to other servers)
- - SO NO IT WAS NOT MY FAULT *slap* (Stskeeps) -
- - Did an attempt on fixing the /msg nick@ bug
- - /stats s in DEVELOP mode will show cached scache hosts
- - Added src/aln.c, for the new ALN system, read doc/aln.doc
- - Minor ALN fix
- - Introduced ALN system, look at send.c::sendto_serv_butone_nickcmd, a
- little better, we can scrape some functions now
- - Some more ALN stuff, the server now understands |<aln> prefixes,
- find_client too
- - Added the "IRC Operators Message Of The Day" to /opermotd
- - Made Y:1 class in makeconf max 250 (we might get some complaints here,
- but people can change to their limit, but we have to make it this low
- because else the program rj had can flood/crash the server
- - Fixed a ALN problem with |nick persons getting killed off
- - Removed an OLD EliteIRCD reference in ./Config, thanks to Linus
- - Moved the ALN prefix to @ instead of |, as | would conflict with
- clients
- - Fixed ALN problem with it masskilling everyone :P